Prospectus NGA

Examination Information

Students are examined in a variety of ways including formal exams, controlled assessment, practical exams, coursework and oral exams.

We hope that the information provided below can answer your queries about examinations at North Gosforth Academy; however, if you have a query regarding exams that isn't explained below, please do not hesitate to contact us.

GCSE Exams

This summer's official exams are to take place from Thursday 1st May until Wednesday 18th June 2025, with contingency days set as follows:

  • Wednesday 11th June (afternoon)
  • Wednesday 25th June (all day)

These days are set in case of substantial disruption at a local or national level. When planning summer holidays, students must be available throughout the exam period including these dates.

The full Summer Exam and intervention programme overview can be found below.

Year 10 Mock Exams

Information to follow.

Exam Guidance

The following documents are produced by JCQ for the guidance of learners and clearly outline examination rules and regulations.  It is essential that all students are aware of and follow the rules.  Guidance documents can be found below.

Results and Post Results

Results day is Thursday 21st August from 9.30am to 10.30am.

If you know you will be unable to collect your results in person email from your school email address and we will email your results to you.  You could also nominate someone to collect them on your behalf but the request must come from your school email.  Another option for you is to complete a Candidate Permission Form which can be found on Frog.

There are a number of post-results services available to you should you be unhappy with your result, the main services being as follows:

  • Access to scripts Priority – A PDF copy of the original marked script to help you decide whether to request a review
  • Access to scripts Non-priority for teaching and learning – As priority but not guaranteed to arrive before the review deadline
  • Service 1 Clerical re-check of all procedures leading to the issue of a result
  • Service 2 Review of marking to ensure the agreed mark scheme has been applied correctly


Exam Certificate Collection

Summer 2025 exam certificates will be made available to collect from Monday 1st December 2025.

Exam certificates are legal documents and students are required to sign to confirm receipt of their certificates.  If you are unable to collect them in person you can nominate someone to collect them on your behalf by providing them with a signed letter of permission.  The nominated person will need to bring photo ID with them when they collect.