Our Uniform
All students will require the following main uniform items:
- Academy navy sweatshirt with school logo
- Academy white polo shirt with school logo
- Black trousers or black skirt (see notes 1 and 3)
- Black shoes (see note 2)
- Food technology apron - any apron, however, a blue and white stripe design is preferred
All students will require the following PE uniform items:
- Pale blue polo shirt with school logo
- Royal blue sweatshirt with school logo
- Plain navy or black shorts
- Plain navy or black tracksuit bottoms
Additional notes:
1. Trousers: School trousers should be traditional formal black dress trousers. They should not be denim, leggings, linen or cargo-type. Likewise they should not be skin tight and should not resemble jeans. The school is aware that some shops are now advertising and selling ‘school uniform’ trousers that do not match our definition of formal dress trousers. We ask that parents/carers check this carefully before making purchases.
2. Shoes: Students are required to wear smart, plain black, formal school shoes/ankle shoes. Shoes must be polishable over their entire surface with a traditional sole and be plain black and carry no logos. Black trainers that have the appearance of school shoes are not acceptable. Trainers are not permitted unless there is a medical exemption from a doctor. The school reserves the right to determine what shoes are acceptable designs. Parents should be aware that many retailers advertise school shoes which are not in line with the school’s expectations on footwear. We ask that parents/carers check this carefully before making purchases.
3. Skirts: Skirts must be knee-length and tailored. No stretch material or skin-tight material is permitted. Please wear black, plain tights with skirts.
4. Outdoor Coats: We recommend that students wear the black rain jacket with school logo and/or black outdoor micro fleece with school logo (coats can be worn together). This is the only coat that students can wear inside the school building, all other coats must be removed before students enter the building. Non-uniform items such as non-school fleeces and hoodies cannot be worn over school sweatshirts.
5. Belts: No wide or coloured belts with large buckles or logos.
6. Jewellery: The only jewellery allowed to be worn in school is a watch and one plain ear stud in each earlobe only. No other facial or body piercing is allowed in school. For obvious reasons of safety and risk of personal loss, jewellery other than these should not be worn to school. Should a student choose to wear items of jewellery the school will confiscate these items, parents/carers will be expected to collect these from school.
7. Makeup: Excessive makeup is not permitted. Subtle makeup is acceptable and should be natural in colour. Excessive makeup must be removed. School will determine what is believed to be excessive makeup. Alongside this false eyelashes and false tan are not allowed. Likewise, fake nails/nail extensions/nail varnish are not permitted.
8. Hair: No extreme hairstyles (e.g. shaved sides, razor-cuts or Mohican-style) no unnatural colours, blocks, stripes or extensions. The school reserve the right to determine what is considered “inappropriate”.
9. Bags: It is a requirement that every student should have a school bag large enough to fit an A4 ring binder. This is to ensure that they can carry PE kit and all the books and equipment they need for the school day. Bags should be marked or labelled with the owner’s name.
Uniform will be checked by staff on a daily basis. If your child attends school in non-uniform items without suitable explanation from a parent/carer (by telephone/letter), sanctions will be imposed.