
Vocational Subjects

Health and Social Care

Throughout our lives, we will all access health and social care services. At present, 2.9 million people work in health and social care in the UK alone. Health and social care is a fluid and dynamic industry with a wide variety of job roles available. 

In this course, students will learn about a broad range of topics. They will learn about the range of provision and services that are available in the UK - this includes local, regional and national provision. Students will also learn about the job roles available to them beyond school and the skills needed to reach these careers. Students will learn about legislation and policy which underpins policies. They will also learn about human development throughout the life span - students can draw on their own experiences, as well as those of family members in this topic area. Students discuss care needs and how these can be met through partnership working and care planning.

As well as knowledge, students will develop the following skills useful for a vast range of further education courses and careers:

  • Decision making

  • Problem solving

  • Planning

  • Evaluation

  • Presentation skills

  • Reflection

  • Interpersonal skills

Students who have studied this qualification have continued to careers in nursing, social work, teaching, childcare and apprenticeships in nursing homes.

To find out more please get in touch with Ellen Binns on

Health & Social Care

Child Development and Care in Early Years 

The course builds on the knowledge, understanding and skills experienced in your own childhood; the course aims to focus on the study of child development and care in the early years (0-5 years), offering breadth and depth of study and incorporating a key core of knowledge. 

  • understanding of holistic child development
  • identify factors that influence child development
  • understand legislation in the early years
  • promote care routines and activities to support the child
  • understanding of the expectations of an early years practitioner and their roles and responsibilities in a childcare setting
  • provide an understanding of the importance of observations in early years childcare
  • understand the purpose of planning in early years childcare

It will give you an exciting opportunity to learn about how a child develops independence and care providers can nurture this development.  You will also complete an extended piece of work based on a case study of a child in a specific provision, and complete an exam on all topics. 

As well as knowledge of child development, you will develop the following skills:

  • Independent research
  • Group work and interpersonal skills
  • Case study materials
  • Reading tasks and subsequent opportunities for discussion  
  • A focus on addressing misconceptions and reflection on learning
  • Planning and Evaluation of work

To find out more please get in touch with Rachel Smith on

Child Development and Care in Early Years