It has been fantastic to see everyone back at school this week, and it has been clear from the smiles on the faces of our young people that they are pleased to be back. Pupils from all year groups have been a real credit to their communities and families. They have come back full of energy and vigour and have come to grips with our new arrangements remarkably well.
It was also good to see the overwhelmingly positive response from parents on the measures we have put into place, including the need for everyone to wear face coverings whilst moving around inside the building. We had ordered a stock of disposable masks if necessary but they have been largely unneeded as students and parents have been on the ball with being prepared.
Every student in the school has undertaken a full induction programme that, perhaps most importantly, has involved every single one using Frog correctly with their form tutor – this will be extremely powerful moving forward in terms of assisting with accessing remote home learning. If anything good could come out of this pandemic, it might be students who are more adept at working independently.
I have been pleased with how our first week has gone given the circumstances we are all adapting to but it will be very important not to become complacent and for everyone to remember to follow the new arrangements we have in place, which include:
- Year groups being kept separate (‘bubbles’) to minimise contact between individuals - respectful distance wherever possible
- Year groups being kept to their separate zones during social times
- Segregated timings for break and lunch times
- Separate entrances for Years 7&8 and Years 9,10,11 with handwashing facilities
- Students and staff wearing face coverings whilst moving around the school
- Adherence to seating plans which is essential in supporting the Track and Trace process
- One way system on corridors to assist in keeping year group bubbles separate.
- Hand sanitising on a regular basis - before entry to each lesson.
We strongly believe that if we get the basics right at the start of the term then we will go on to have a successful year. I would like to focus on our R.I.C.H. ethos at this point. By students displaying their Resilience, Industry, Curiosity and Honour we can meet the particular challenges that are being thrown at us at this time. North Gosforth Academy is working together!
As many of you know, I have been at the school for almost 20 years now and know the community well. It has been great to see so many children of students that I taught at the beginning of my career come back to the school – although it does remind me of my age.
If you would like to email me about anything then please contact the school through and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
Enjoy your weekend!

Steve Campbell