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National Careers Week

Date Published:
Monday 01 March 2021

This week is National Careers Week and North Gosforth Academy are very excited to share some exciting resources and events with our pupils, parents, and carers. Follow the links to find out more:

This week our students will be sent information and resources through our Frog platform to help them access online careers information and guidance. We also encourage our students to access our Frog careers site - students simply login and search for 'careers' and explore the wealth of resources and information provided.

Follow our careers account on Twitter for updates and information with links to different types of job, and further and higher education providers. Search for @careersnorthgo1 to find us.

National Careers Week 2021:

National Careers Week Virtual Careers Fair:

With contributions and talks on skills, health careers, banking and much more!

BBC Bitesize Careers:

Search for and find information on qualifications, jobs and careers.