Dear Parent/Carer,
I hope that you have all had an enjoyable summer and a well-deserved break. We are really looking forward to welcoming students back to school next week and are hopeful of a more conventional academic year ahead.
Please see below a reminder of the start times for each year group next week.
Monday 6th September
Staff Training Day (School Closed)
New Year 7 covid testing (for students that have consented only) - see below for timings
Tuesday 7th September
School open to all new Year 7 students only
All other year groups covid testing (for students that have consented only) - see below for timings
Wednesday 8th September
School open to all year groups
Please can I remind you that upon their return to school all students are expected to be on site and in their Tutor groups for registration by 08:40am each day. Students that attend school late without a valid reason will receive a detention that evening.
Please ensure that your child attends school in the correct uniform each day. You can find full details of our uniform policy on our website here. Contact your child's Head of Year as soon as possible if there are any issues with this.
Covid Testing
Timings for new Year 7 Covid Testing
Monday 6th September
Group 1 12.30
Group 2 12:50
Group 3 13:10
Group 4 13:30
Group 5 13:50
Students will return home straight after their covid test. Their second test will take place later in the week during the normal school day.
Timings for all other year groups Covid Testing
Tuesday 7th September
10AS 08:30
10EF 08:45
10GM 09:00
10RA 09:15
10JG 09:30
9AE 09:45
9SL 10:00
9FD 10:15
9SG 10:30
8AB 10:45
8CH 11:00
8DE 11:15
8JH 11:30
8PW 11:45
7AH 12:00
7EB 12:15
7TW 12:30
7CK 12:45
7KS 13:00
Students will return home straight after their covid test. Their second test will take place later in the week during the normal school day.
Covid Measures
As detailed in my final newsletter last term there have been some changes to the Covid measures in school. Please see a summary below:
Schools will no longer be required to carry out contact tracing, any student close contacts will now be contacted by NHS test and trace
Student close contacts will no longer be required to self-isolate, but they will be encouraged to take a PCR test.
Face coverings will not be needed in school and students do not need to wear them on school transport.
Students and staff are required to test twice weekly at home until the end of September (when the Government will review this). Test kits will be provided by the school for this purpose.
Students will continue to enter school via the lower school and upper school gates on a morning and gather in the designated spaces.
The break time and lunchtime arrangements will remain the same split between lower school and upper school.
There will be continued emphasis on hygiene.
There will be continued ventilation of classrooms and other measures from our current risk assessment.
Rest assured that we want to manage the return to school as safely as possible and minimise the risks to staff and students. The safety of everyone in our school community will continue to be our top priority.
Yours faithfully,
Pete Fox